JESS3 is a creative agency that specializes in data visualization.

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Tackle Cystic Fibrosis

Categories: Interactive 

JESS3 is proud to serve alongside Samsung and its partner Sears Electronics in their joint social action campaign aimed at “tackling” Cystic Fibrosis (CF). The design challenge was threefold: create an infographic to help provide insight and understanding into CF, design and develop a microsite to help drive social actions and awareness and customize Samsung’s SlideShare account to help make the content snackable for bloggers and online activists. It gets even better. Just by sharing the infographic on Facebook, tweeting #TackleCF or checking in to a U.S. Sears location and Samsung Experience NYC, Samsung and Sears will donate $5 (up to $150,000) through December 31, 2010 to help fund research into a cure for CF, led by the Boomer Esiason Foundation. With users totaling 500 million on Facebook, two million on foursquare and 175 million on Twitter, it's easy to see how this campaign can quickly add up to be a success. JESS3 is honored and proud to be a part of a campaign that takes social media to the next level, by not only generating buzz, but also taking real action by helping raise money for a worthy cause.