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Tech Cocktail

Startup Mixology Infographic

Categories: Infographics 

At Tech Cocktail's latest Startup Mixology Conference, each speaker shared one of the key ingredients that go into starting and running a successful business: company culture, personality / authenticity, marketing delight, PR, momentum, launching, design, bootstrapping, entrepreneurship / perseverance, execution, team, relationship, and community.

Wanting to share the great takeaway with the rest of the world, Tech Cocktail’s founders Jen Consalvo and Frank Gruber worked with JESS3 to visualize the indispensable advice in the shape of their logo’s signature martini cocktail glass. We also got a little cheeky and added a napkin as the “strategy” ingredient—as any good entrepreneur has certainly scribbled their ideas on the back of a napkin or two in their day. The event’s speakers, which included JESS3’s own Leslie Bradshaw, provided practical advice, laughs and lessons and injected the event with a strong sense of community, accomplishment and support among DC’s tech entrepreneurs. Highlights of the evening included Alexis Juneja, co-founder of Curbed, who used dating as a metaphor to explain business development (meeting people, ask questions, buy dinner, celebrate anniversaries). Uber CEO Travis Kalanick also gave his share of good advice through telling the story of his personal success and failures.