JESS3 is a creative agency that specializes in data visualization.

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Website Redesign

Categories: Interactive 

JESS3 was asked to redesign and develop a corporate website for Merryck, a world leader in business-executive mentoring. The company hoped to replace its static website with an SEO-optimized, sleek design that included a blog and a robust content management system. Before designing any wireframes, we put ourselves in the minds of business executives -- busy, on-the-go and multitasking. We knew mobile viewing was a must! With that in mind, the JESS3 design team worked to create a sophisticated site — simple yet visually stunning and quick to load. The staff chose to implement a parallax effect using JavaScript, which spiced up the otherwise text-heavy site. Staying true to our data-viz passion, we also implemented a dynamic statistics slide complete with bar charts that can be edited directly through the content management system.