Looking to rocket its brand into 2012, DC-based GeniusRocket reached out to their friends and neighbors at JESS3 for cutting-edge illustration, site strategy and design. As a part of this exercise, JESS3 developed a look, style and feel from the logo out that conveyed the timeless, retro quality of the existing brand. The end product is JESS3 at its best: visual storytelling through fun, illustrative and interactive elements. Guided by the GeniusRocket logo, JESS3 created a marvelous outer-space scene to serve as the backdrop for the website. It was important that the new layout flowed well and looked professional, while at the same time pushing the envelope on creativity. We employed a parallax effect to give a layered visual with the background illustrations and used reverse scrolling to play off the 'rocket taking off' idea. We designed each page in a stack that could be navigated too by tabs, which on its own is not unique, but helped strengthen the core idea.
is a creative agency that specializes in data visualization.
We would love to work with you, send us a note at hi@jess3.com, or call 571-213-4308